Monday, May 02, 2011

Spring 2011: Federal Reserve

Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank Vice President Krissy Young was kind enough to work with us during the Spring semester, 2011. To say the least, this was a real challenge for the students. Not only did they have to learn about the nation's monetary system, they also had to learn about the constraints of the education system, as the target for this campaign was middle school teachers in the greater Kansas City area.

The focus of the campaign was the bank's Money Musuem, and our goal was to increase visits. The class presented a series of integrated ideas, from events to direct mail to social media and, yes, even advertising.

At this writing, it's still early, but the bank has told us that they intend to use several class ideas. I'll post updates to this as they evolve.
Plans Book Proof -- Scroll Down to see 1st Page!

The Federal Reserve Bank

The photo story:

See all photos from this course here.

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